Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Himachal =judgement day

एक मुलाकात - सिरमौर के सिरमौर कलाकार Anchor Mahender Habbi भाई के साथ

Sirmaur's famous  Nati dancer ,artist , singer and Anchor Sh  Mahender Habbi Bhai

मेरे एहसास -KRT NEWS CHANNEL - के साथ

कैसे -निखारें बच्चों की प्रतिभा

1.       Appreciate effort no matter if they win or lose
2.     Encourage curiosity   and Encourage practice to build competence—without putting too much pressure on them..
3.       Let them figure out problems by themselves. Praise them when they deal with adversity
4.       Give them new challenges . Applaud their courage to try something new but  Let them act their age
5.       Treat mistakes as building blocks for learning . .  Never criticize their performance
6.       Avoid creating short cuts or making exceptions for your child
7.       Don't be over-protective of your child. Allow them to mess up every now and then, and help them understand how they can better approach the task next time.
8.       Open the door to new experiences=how scary and different something seems, they can conquer it.
9.       Teach them what you know how to do=You are your child's hero — at least until they're a teenager.
10.   Use that power to teach them what you know about how to think, act, and speak. Set a good example, and be a role model.
11.   Don't tell them when you're worried about them
12.   Offer your help and support, but not too much of it
13.   Celebrate the excitement of learning
14.   When you're growing up, the journey is more important than the destination.
15.   Be authoritative, but not too forceful or strict

Smriti Sharma